Video landing pages can be a terrific asset in your video marketing playbook, yet you may not know exactly how to develop landing pages that offer the maximum impact.
We’re here to help.
At Dubb, we have spent lots of time experimenting with video landing pages and discovering principles that lead to the highest conversion rates. Regardless of the size or age of your business, the strategies below will help you use video landing pages to find new customers and increase your bottom line.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started.
Video Landing Pages 101: Design
One of the best places to start is the design of your landing page. While we are going to get to how video landing pages can maximize your conversion rate, the actual design of your landing page is often an underrated part of this process.
Simply put, you want to keep your landing page as simple as possible.
The last thing you want is a landing page that is cluttered with too many buttons and links. By having a clean landing page, you are giving the viewer a much more pleasant experience. The viewer, upon visiting your landing page, will be able to easily identify your video and call to action (“CTA”) in the center of the page. By embracing minimalism and keeping your landing page as simple and as easy to understand as possible, you will increase the odds that the viewer follows your CTA and converts.
Ultimately, your audience will thank you.
As far as the placement of the video itself, you should position it where it can have the highest chance of converting. Often, this is at the top center part of your landing page. It’s the first thing that visitors see. Other times, you can use a “squeeze page” which includes many testimonials and the video at the bottom of the page. But for the most part, if your video is the primary driving force on your landing page, it should be at the top.
Along with this, you have the option of turning on autoplay for your landing page video. Autoplay is tricky in that it doesn’t always work. Typically, it won’t work on mobile devices. On a desktop, it depends on the viewer’s browser settings. Also, keep in mind that when autoplay is on, the user will likely have to click “replay with sound on,” which isn’t always the best practice.
Finally, with the landing page itself, ensure that it has a cohesive tone. This includes the embedded video, the copy on your landing page, and the graphics on your landing page. While the tone is usually “professional” for businesses cases, viewers are increasingly craving a human side to these videos. Don’t be afraid to be creative-even playful-with your landing page and landing page videos.
Video Landing Pages 101: Video Content
From the design of your landing page, let’s focus on one of the most important aspects of your landing page-the actual video that you share.
Build Rapport With Your Audience
There are several things to note here. First, the most effective videos build rapport with their audience. The best way to build rapport is to tell a story that is directly related to your audience. As just one brief example, you and your organization can tell the story of an individual or entity that has used your product or service. In that story, you can explain how your product or service helped the user overcome a common pain point that they faced.
This is just one example, but the fact remains that building rapport is an extremely high priority when creating your video content. Having said this, one of the most important parts of building rapport is capturing your audience’s attention. You likely only have a few seconds, so make sure that they count. The more creative, the better.
A Content Roadmap
Now, let’s talk about the layout of the video itself. This is a framework that has worked well for us at Dubb and likely will work for you.
Often, you will want to design your video to first describe your audience’s pain points. This will connect with your viewer and will convince them to keep watching your video. From there, include your first CTA. It’s not a hard sell; rather, it is, again, designed to keep them engaged and tease out some further information for them.
Throughout your video, the two best tools you can leverage are empathy and authority. Your audience will be more likely to connect with you if you establish that you understand their pain and that you can solve that pain. This will ultimately lead to higher conversion rates.
From there, explain your credentials. While you don’t have to share your entire resume, you should spend this time explaining how you are an expert in your field and how you differ from competitors.
After offering your credentials, spend some time explaining the products and services that you are offering. Your viewers will be extremely interested in how your offering will immediately help them, so don’t waste time getting to the point. Once you do this, add a verbal CTA explaining how viewers can make a purchase. A simple “click below to buy” button often works well.
One important point here: follow up your CTA with some context on what will happen if a viewer follows through. While you don’t want to use scare tactics, one effective way to do this is to explain how viewers will miss out if they don’t purchase your product or service.
Finally, end the video with one last verbal CTA asking the viewer to purchase. This CTA should give them all of the information they need to make a purchase.
Mind Your Length
You should also spend some time thinking about the length of your video. The length should coincide with where a viewer is in your funnel. For example, if a viewer is at the top of your funnel and doesn’t necessarily know much about your organization, your video should be short-perhaps as short as six to 15 seconds. If they are in the middle of your funnel and are trying to learn more about your business, it could perhaps be 30 to 120 seconds. And if they’re at the bottom of the funnel, your video could be as long as 5, 10 or even 30 minutes.
Whatever the length, you should also spend some time in post-production. Trim out pauses and “ums” in your video. Doing this will make the length more manageable and will make your video seem more polished.
Video Landing Pages 101: Getting Found
While you may make the best, most creative video content, it is all for naught if viewers aren’t able to find you. Discovery is the other side of the content creation coin, so you have to think about how viewers will be led to your content.
One of the best things you can do is focus on search engine optimization (“SEO”). Make sure your metadata is an accurate for instance, your title and meta description. Your headline should be bold and clear. It should easily explain to viewers what value they will receive when watching your video.
From there, you want to optimize your keyword density. In other words, include your target keyword throughout your blog post. You can’t fake this, however. It has to be organic. By placing valuable content on your page with the organic inclusion of your keyword, viewers will notice and spend time on your page, which will lead to a higher Google search ranking.
You can also be more easily found by uploading closed captions for your video. By uploading your captions (specifically through an SRT file), Google crawlers will have an easier time indexing your video. One of the easiest ways to automatically create captions is through YouTube. Simply upload a video (you can even keep it as “unlisted”) and YouTube will automatically add captions. The captions are about 90 percent accurate, meaning that you’ll need to go through the transcript and clean it up. However, after making some tweaks, you can download the SRT file and place it on the video on your video landing page.
A Great Way to Generate Leads
Landing page videos are terrific ways to generate leads. They can be extremely powerful. Having said that, don’t let the production of video interfere with sharing compelling stories with your audience. Don’t be afraid to leverage tools like your mobile phone and webcam to create videos that convert. No matter the tools that you use commit to producing video content for your business. Your decision will pay off in the long run.
We also invite you to check out Dubb. Everything that we have discussed in this article can be easily completed using the Dubb platform. Dubb not only allows you to create videos for your landing pages and emails, but it can help you drive conversions, engagement, and referrals. For more information about how Dubb can help you, feel free to click here.
SPECIAL OFFER: To access over a dozen free eBooks on how to effectively use video for all aspects of your business, visit Dubb Resources.
About Ruben: Ruben is the founder of Dubb. When he’s not creating his next video, he’s probably playing drums, at a Taco Tuesday or with the fam. Follow Ruben on IG, FB, YT, TW, Medium and his blog.
About Dubb: Dubb is a popular video creation, hosting, sharing and tracking platform. Follow Dubb on IG, FB, YT, TW, and the Dubb blog. To get a 14-day free trial to Dubb, request an invite.
Originally published at on May 13, 2019.