How to Send Actionable Videos in LinkedIn Messages

Ruben Dua
13 min readMar 9, 2021


Have you been wondering how to send actionable videos through LinkedIn messages? If so, you have come to the right place. LinkedIn is an underrated, yet fantastic platform to send actionable videos to prospects and clients. Yet even though many people understand the power that LinkedIn can provide, they may not know how to actually send those videos on the platform. Because of this, they may be tempted to spend much less time on LinkedIn and more time on platforms that may not deliver the same ROI.

In this post, I want to completely demystify the entire process. The great news is that there is an extremely easy way to send actionable videos in LinkedIn messages. It all comes down to pairing Dubb with LinkedIn. Using both of these tools in tandem, you can send extremely effective videos via LinkedIn, thereby increasing your chances of making a sale.

Why LinkedIn Can Be So Valuable For Your Business

Before discussing how you can pair Dubb with LinkedIn, I first want to spend a few moments discussing why LinkedIn can be so valuable for your business. While you may have an intuitive sense of why LinkedIn can be so powerful, it is worthwhile to explore why you should be investing more time into a LinkedIn sales and marketing strategy.

For starters, LinkedIn has dramatically evolved from being a one-stop-shop for finding your next gig. Back in the day, you may have visited LinkedIn when you wanted to find a new job. On the other side of the table, LinkedIn could have been a good source to fill some of your company’s job openings.

LinkedIn has come a long way from being this job-focused platform. It has now become a central hub for managing your professional identity. Yet this professional identity isn’t just for individuals. It can be a central home for your business’s professional identity. Businesses and individuals that ignore this important fact are leaving massive opportunities on the table.

You can use LinkedIn for so many things. For example, LinkedIn is an outstanding publishing platform. You can post all kinds of content to LinkedIn, whether it is a blog post about a new feature for your product or service or a video interview with a customer. The LinkedIn platform has tremendous reach, meaning that you can reach a large number of followers with just one post. Better yet, LinkedIn is still overlooked by many companies and publishers, giving you a great opportunity to fish in plentiful waters.

Along with this, LinkedIn is a great way to connect with all sorts of people. Nearly everyone in the professional world has a LinkedIn profile. While some may check it more than others, LinkedIn has become the place to host your professional identity. Because of this, you and your colleagues can connect with everyone from current customers, cold or warm prospects, and even prospective employees. Whether you make connection requests to those individuals and/or send direct messages, LinkedIn lets you connect with a diverse group of people. No matter their background, work experience, or location, you can get in touch with them on LinkedIn.

The Power of Videos Via LinkedIn

So LinkedIn is clearly an impactful platform. It’s no wonder that Microsoft purchased the company for $26.2 billion in 2016. It is the professional social network and one that isn’t going away anytime soon.

Even though LinkedIn is impactful in its own right, there are right and wrong ways to leverage this game-changing platform. For instance, one wrong way to use LinkedIn is to send mass connection requests to a large group of prospects. This brute force method of connecting likely won’t work. Most of your prospects will just ignore you. And for those that do open your extremely cold message? They may be annoyed, which can dramatically decrease your chances of making a sale.

On the other hand, one of the best things that you can do on LinkedIn is pairing up your LinkedIn presence with video. Video provides so many benefits compared to text. This is true both within the LinkedIn universe and outside the LinkedIn universe. That being said, there are two key benefits that are relevant to sending actionable content on LinkedIn.

First, sending videos in your LinkedIn messages lets you tap into the human element of your sales and marketing work. People are able to physically see you. They can hear the tone of your voice and your body language. They can also get a general sense of your confidence level. Their subconscious brains can easily determine whether you are exaggerating things about your product or service or whether your product or service will actually improve their lives. Being yourself and speaking directly to the viewer, you can leverage this human element into future sales for your company.

Video also leverages visual storytelling. Visual storytelling makes things easier to understand. You can more easily explain your product and service and how it can help users’ lives. Not only that, but you can show off your personality through LinkedIn videos. This helps you build even closer relationships with prospects. Even if you don’t make a sale right away, you are developing long-term relationships that will certainly pay off in the future. All of this comes from emphasizing visual storytelling and getting into the minds of your viewers.

A Key Caveat: Prioritize Actionable Videos

Ultimately, LinkedIn is a great platform to leverage all of the benefits described above. It is an outstanding platform for telling stories with video. Whether you have just started leveraging LinkedIn for your sales and marketing work or have been trying to use it for some time, video can help you substantially increase your return on investment.

That being said, there is a key nuance with sending videos through LinkedIn. That is the need to send actionable videos on the platform. While there may not seem like a huge difference between standard videos and actionable videos, that difference can be the one thing that separates an interested viewer from buying your product or service.

The core difference between standard videos and actionable videos lies in the viewer experience. In other words, while the videos may be exactly the same, the way that viewers interact with those videos can be massively different. Simply put, actionable videos let the viewer easily take some sort of action after viewing the video. Non-actionable videos do not offer the same opportunities. Moreover, they are often hosted on cluttered pages that interfere with the overall viewer experience.

A great way to think about non-actionable videos is by looking at YouTube videos. If you message a YouTube link on the Linkedin platform, you will quickly find that those videos are not actionable. When your LinkedIn connection clicks on the link and goes to the YouTube video, they will see so many other videos on that YouTube page. Those videos, in effect, are competing with your video. The viewer only has a limited amount of attention, and it is all too easy for that viewer to be distracted by other interesting videos on that page. Before you know it, your YouTube video, no matter how effective that it may be, doesn’t lead to a sale.

An actionable video is one that gets you results. Quite obviously, it lets users take action while they are watching the video and/or after they have finished watching the video. But along with this, an actionable video lets you control the entire experience. You can add a large array of features, including things like links, buttons, forms, products, and other interactive elements. Those interactive elements can all work together to help the viewer follow through with a purchase. It doesn’t even need to be a purchase. Instead, it can be things like downloading an eBook, connecting with your organization, and more. Whatever your goal is with your LinkedIn video, actionable videos let you accomplish that goal.

Using Dubb with LinkedIn

So if you are looking to create and use actionable videos with LinkedIn, I highly encourage you to check out Dubb. Dubb makes it extremely easy to create actionable videos and easily share them on LinkedIn. It will only take you minutes to shoot a video, design your video landing page, and distribute that video through LinkedIn.

The secret comes from Dubb’s Chrome Extension. Using our Chrome Extension, you can easily send actionable videos from LinkedIn Direct Messages, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, LinkedIn Recruiter, LinkedIn Comments, and LinkedIn Connection Requests. We designed the Chrome Extension (and the rest of our software) with our users at the top of our minds. Whether you are brand new to generating leads on LinkedIn or are looking for a faster way to find and monetize LinkedIn connections, I’m confident that Dubb can help you accomplish your goals.

If you are interested in using Dubb to send actionable videos on LinkedIn, we can help. All you need to do is follow a few steps, which are all outlined below. If you have any questions about any of these steps, I encourage you to contact us at Dubb.

Step One: Install Dubb’s Google Chrome Extension

The first step of this process is making sure that you have installed Dubb’s Google Chrome Extension. You can find the Chrome Extension by clicking here. Chrome makes it very easy to install Chrome Extensions. Simply click on “Add to Chrome” and you’ll be off.

Step Two: Access LinkedIn and Click on the Dubb Logo

After you have installed Dubb’s Google Chrome Extension, you’ll want to log onto LinkedIn. From there, you’ll want to select where to record or upload your video. For instance, you can record and upload a video post to your profile page or can record and send a quick video through LinkedIn messages.

Whatever the case may be, navigate to the appropriate section of LinkedIn. When you are composing your LinkedIn message, you will now see an image of the Dubb logo. Clicking on the Dubb logo, you will see an interface pop up.

Step Three: Record or Upload Your Video

This interface offers a wealth of tools and information that can help you send actionable LinkedIn videos.

Looking at the available tabs, you can see that you can access Dubb videos that you have already recorded, record a Dubb video from your webcam, upload an entirely new video, add a video from YouTube, and monitor activity for your videos. As you can see, by clicking one button, you can do everything from upload already-created content to monitoring the performance of videos that you have already distributed.

Here’s a quick tip that I’d like to offer. If you are looking to use Dubb to send actionable videos on LinkedIn, don’t hesitate to check out our mobile app. You can find the iOS version here and the Android version here. The Dubb mobile app lets you do everything from uploading videos from your camera roll, record a new video wherever you are, and even make edits with our powerful, yet easy-to-use mobile editing features. After recording a new video on the Dubb mobile app, you only need to click one button. It will then appear on the Dubb interface on LinkedIn.

Whether or not you use the Dubb mobile app, Dubb makes it easy to record and share actionable videos on LinkedIn. All you need to do is click on the Dubb icon and you’ll be off and running.

As for the content of your video, you can certainly create any type of video that you want. That being said, you need to walk a fine line. One end of the line is a cold and impersonal, “Hey, how’s it going” in your video. While you are leveraging the power of video in your favor, you aren’t doing enough to make a real connection with the viewer. On the other side of the line is something that can be described as “overly pitching.” This is the speaker coming in with the hard sell and never giving up.

So what do you want to do? Essentially, you should be offering a low commitment, but higher value type of proposition. You want to be casual and personable, yet not overly “businessy.” Just be yourself, speak to problems that your viewer may be facing in his or her life, and show how your product or service can help. Make sure that the viewer doesn’t feel like they are being pitched. By doing this, you can build those authentic relationships and get much closer to a sale.

Step Four: Click Send

Once you record or select your video, Dubb will automatically insert the video link directly into your LinkedIn message. From there, the recipient will simply need to click on the link. Once he or she does, the viewer can watch the video and then take action (while or after watching the video) on the Dubb action page.

Dubb’s action pages are extremely powerful. They are the key to separating your LinkedIn video from your competitors’ LinkedIn videos. Dubb action pages are clean and automatically-created video landing pages that can help you increase your sales.

The most prominent elements of Dubb action pages are your videos themselves and your call to actions (“CTAs”). On Dubb action pages, your videos are prominently placed on the center of the screen. Viewers are easily able to see that there is a video and are naturally motivated to click on the video.

Beyond the prominence of the video itself, Dubb action pages let you include CTAs directly below the video. CTAs are the key to making these action pages actionable. If you haven’t heard of CTAs, they are essentially devices that are designed to prompt an immediate response or encourage an immediate sale. What this means is that CTAs are the bridge that leads a LinkedIn user from watching your video to doing whatever you want the viewer to do.

Using Dubb, you can program your CTAs in all types of different ways. They include the following:

  • Download an eBook or digital product: Downloading that eBook or digital product, the viewer can learn more about your product or service and how it can create massive value in their lives.
  • Schedule a time on your calendar: Dubb offers integrations with many of the most popular calendar services — including Calendly, Book Like a Boss, and more. Whether you want your viewer to book a five-minute call or thirty-minute call with your organization, Dubb makes it extremely easy to do so.
  • Complete a form: This is a great way to gather data about your viewer. Your form can include everything from demographic information to how your viewer heard about your company. The choice is yours.
  • Chat on Facebook Messenger: Some viewers may not want to provide their email addresses or other contact information when communicating with your organization. Because of this, Dubb lets you and your viewer easily communicate on Facebook Messenger.
  • Send a video response: Using Dubb, your viewer can easily send a video response to your initial video. This is a great way to not only easily communicate with your viewers, but easily generate video testimonials that you can leverage in future videos.
  • Make a sale: You can even program your CTA to let your viewer purchase your product or service. This is a much more direct way of moving your prospect down your sales funnel, yet it can be extremely effective.

These are just some of the things that you can do with Dubb CTAs. The bottom line? CTAs are extremely important parts of your video action pages, so don’t forget to take advantage of them. They may make the difference between a merely interested prospect and a brand new customer.

Ultimately, Dubb action pages will make your videos actionable. Visiting and going to your dashboard, you can see how many different ways that you can program them. On your Dubb dashboard or in the Dubb mobile app, you can also track the performance of your videos. Some of the metrics that you can track include the number of views, watch length, and more. Using those metrics, you can make videos that are even more effective. This record, distribute, analyze, and repeat process can help you find new clients on LinkedIn and grow your business.

Leveraging Actionable Videos to Find More Prospects on LinkedIn

We’ve come a long way. Even if you haven’t used LinkedIn for some time or are skeptical about its power, I hope you can see how LinkedIn can help you reach your business goals. That being said, you don’t want to just share any traditional videos on LinkedIn. You want to use actionable videos. At their core, actionable videos can go a long way in helping you find more prospects on LinkedIn. Leveraging a tool like Dubb, you can easily create actionable videos and leverage video action pages to convert prospects into clients.

I’m confident that Dubb can help you capitalize on everything that LinkedIn has to offer. To learn more about all of the features that you can get from Dubb, click here. If you have any questions about Dubb or the concepts I discussed in this post, click here.

To learn more about how Dubb can help you, click here. You can also click here should you have any questions about Dubb and how it can help you with sales prospecting.

About Ruben: Ruben is the founder of Dubb. When he’s not creating his next video, he’s probably playing drums, at a Taco Tuesday or with the fam. Follow Ruben on IG, FB, YT, TW, Medium, and his blog.

About Dubb: Dubb is a popular video creation, hosting, sharing, and tracking platform. Follow Dubb on IG, FB, YT, TW, and the Dubb blog. To get a free trial to Dubb, request an invite.

Originally posted at Dubb on November 2021.



Ruben Dua
Ruben Dua

Written by Ruben Dua

Follow to be uplifted, founder of, currently looking for his next Taco Tuesday. Connect on IG/TW/FB/YT at @rubendua. Learn more about Dubb at

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