How to Grow a New Business in a Nanosecond Culture

Ruben Dua
6 min readOct 16, 2020


Regardless of the sector or size of the business, all of us must recognize that we are living in a nanosecond culture. Everything from the news cycle to product development is happening at an increasingly rapid clip. Whether you are a solopreneur or are at the head of a rapidly growing company, it’s imperative to, at the very least, acknowledge the nanosecond culture that we live in.

So what if you want to not get lost in our nanosecond culture? And if you are even more ambitious, how can you take advantage of our nanosecond culture to grow your new business?

The good news is that there are several things you can do to accelerate your business in these rapid times. From brand new businesses to businesses that are looking to rejuvenate their growth, there are steps that you can take today to grow your business in our nanosecond culture.

Our Nanosecond Culture

Even though you may be hearing the term “nanosecond culture” for the first time, I’m sure that you have felt it in your personal or business life. It can be everything from that instantaneous Twitter response that you expect from your favorite Twitter account to the quick email response that you expect from your most important prospect.

Simply put, we are living in an era of nanosecond culture, nanosecond responses, and nanosecond social media. Whether you’ve just started your business or have been running your business for some time, let’s say that you’ve set up your social media pages and post every single day. In the past, it may have been easy to think that you’d be done. In fact, posting once per day may have gotten you some traction and buzz for your business.

Taking Advantage of Our Nanosecond Culture

So even if our nanosecond culture makes us less comfortable or stresses us out, there’s no other choice but to roll with it. Our nanosecond culture is here and it isn’t going away anytime soon. Yet admitting that fact, there is an exciting opportunity to leverage these short attention spans and make them a net positive for your business.

Ultimately, my colleagues and I at Dubb have crunched the numbers. We have looked at the data. We think that taking advantage of our nanosecond culture comes down to one main strategy.

It is this: leverage this constant need for new information and fast responses. Specifically, you will want to use personalized videos to create content instead of emails or text messages. Personalized videos not only create closer relationships with your audience, but certain tools (like ) let you do it at scale. We have also seen from the data that audiences engage with videos more than text. High engagement rates in our nanosecond culture will help you build stronger relationships with your audience generate more sales. In other words, through the power of video, you can stand out in people’s minds and create stronger ties with your audience.

So leaning into our nanosecond culture through personalized video can be an outstanding way to grow your business. That being said, there are some questions that may cause you to wonder whether this strategy can work. After all, all of us have limited time, so you’ll naturally want to be sure that this strategy can work before investing in it.

Content Ideas

The first question may center on content. To reiterate what we discussed above, our nanosecond culture essentially forces all of us to create more frequent content. Along with this, that content must be valuable and entertaining. But at the same time, you and your colleagues are extremely busy. It can be hard to find the time to consistently generate this type of content-especially when there is breaking news. It may seem easier to type out a simple tweet or social media post instead of pulling out your camera and creating a personalized video.

There are several ways that I would respond to that. First, the good news is that great content can come from anywhere. I have seen it firsthand. Throughout my career, I have spent so many years having meetings with different kinds of people. After some time, however, I began transforming those meetings into opportunities to create content. Getting the required recording permissions, I used those conversations to not only share insights about video marketing as a whole, but to advocate for Dubb and how it can create value in users’ lives. Ultimately, keep this in mind as you think about content ideas for your personalized videos.

Quickly Creating Personalized Videos

Speaking of Dubb, I believe that Dubb can be a huge help in solving another potential problem of creating personalized videos. That is the fact that Dubb makes it extremely easy to create personalized videos at scale.

Dubb is one tool that lets you easily create personalized videos at scale. Through the power of features like personalization text and video playlists, you can rapidly create video content for your followers and fans. You will also want to take advantage of things like calls-to-action, animated GIFs if you are sending personalized videos through emails, and a killer mobile app that lets you create and edit content on-the-go. You can find all of these features within the Dubb ecosystem. To learn more about how Dubb can help you create stellar, personalized video content at scale, click here.

The Power of Partnerships

Besides rapidly creating content for your audience, I think that there is another great way to capitalize on our nanosecond culture. That is by creating partnerships with other organizations.

Just imagine: you have a business that relies on inbound marketing and is completely referral-based. There’s no need to make cold calls or go out into the world and make cold sales pitches. Instead, interested prospects come to you, and you have a much greater chance of converting them into paying customers.

We are so used to having sales, marketing, and outreach professionals in our business. The natural thought is that we need to actively go out there and convince prospects to become paying customers. However, there is a better way to consistently generate business.

Simply put, partnerships make such a viable channel and are so much more scalable. As you start to build partnerships and integrate your product or service into larger ecosystems, the tides raise all boats. Both you and your partner are able to build off of each other and create mutual value. You are able to generate passive business for your partner and vice versa. You’ll be able to find and convert prospects that you would have never dreamed of.

Take Time to Disengage

There’s one more thing that I want to mention which may be somewhat counterintuitive advice. In our nanosecond culture, it is important to take some time and disengage.

Sometimes, nanosecond culture can be too much. That constant need to respond to news and engage with members of your audience is exciting. It can be addicting-especially if you are seeing major traction as you quickly engage with your audience.

By stepping away for some time, you will be much more effective when you return. Our nanosecond culture isn’t going away anytime soon. It will be ready for you when you return.

Capitalizing on Our Nanosecond Culture

Our nanosecond culture can be intimidating at first. After all, your prospects, customers, and members of your audience are expecting you and your company to be available at a moment’s notice. The good news is that you can rely on the tips and insights above to capitalize on nanosecond culture and grow your business.

Once again, if you want to learn more about how Dubb can help you leverage our nanosecond culture, feel free to click here. You can also contact us by clicking here.

Originally published at on October 16, 2020.



Ruben Dua
Ruben Dua

Written by Ruben Dua

Follow to be uplifted, founder of, currently looking for his next Taco Tuesday. Connect on IG/TW/FB/YT at @rubendua. Learn more about Dubb at

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