How to Consistently Monetize Your LinkedIn

Ruben Dua
12 min readMar 23, 2021


Have you been searching for ways to consistently monetize your LinkedIn profile or page? If that’s the case, you are definitely in the right place.

If you have seen prior Daily Dubb videos or have read some of our blog posts, you know that we are obsessed with LinkedIn. It is still one of the most underrated social networks out there. From connecting with promising prospects to building brand equity in your sector or industry, LinkedIn can be a central hub for growing your business.

One of the most exciting corollaries from your LinkedIn activities, however, can be increased sales. LinkedIn can be a terrific channel for your business’s growth. There is a whole host of individuals or businesses that can help you accomplish your financial goals.

Yet while the opportunities are there, some LinkedIn users aren’t taking advantage of these opportunities. They either don’t recognize that they exist or are struggling to see the ROI from their hard work.

If you fall into either of these camps, there’s no need to be annoyed at yourself. The great news is that you are here. In this post, I want to share some of my favorite tips and strategies on how to consistently monetize your LinkedIn. While it may take some time to see the results, following these tips and strategies will dramatically improve your odds of monetizing your LinkedIn page.

Some of My Favorite Tips on How to Consistently Monetize Your LinkedIn

The following tips and strategies have mostly been developed through trial and error. While there may be certain strategies that sound bulletproof in theory, they may have serious flaws in practice. On the other hand, seemingly terrible ideas may work out beautifully.

The key takeaway is that you need to keep experimenting. Take these ideas and put them into practice. If you think there is a better way to implement these strategies, feel free to alter them as you see fit. If you are trying to monetize your LinkedIn for the first time, go ahead and start with these strategies as I describe them. Above all else, however, listen to the data. See what your followers like and don’t like. By being nimble and agile, you’ll definitely be in a better position to monetize this important social network.

Document Your Growth Process

This is an outstanding way to monetize your LinkedIn. Essentially, by “document your growth process,” I mean that you should publicly share how you and your business are growing.

For some people, this can be intimidating. I get it. Some people are shyer than others. Having said this, I encourage you to fight that feeling. You need to put yourself out there and have the courage to get criticized. Adopting this attitude will pay off because your followers and fans want to see your growth process. They want to see your trials, tribulations, and growth in your professional journey.

How you show off that growth is up to you. It can be everything from selfie videos reflecting on your business’s progress to interviews with satisfied customers. You can even bring your LinkedIn followers into a staff meeting, where you and your colleagues share their thoughts and excitement over your product or service.

By showing off your growth, you get to create stronger relationships with other LinkedIn users. Your vulnerability becomes your advantage. Whether a follower has been monitoring your business for some time or just came across your business, documenting your growth makes you more real. It shows that you are just like members of your audience in that you’re working hard to achieve your goals. In effect, you are building a strong rapport, which can transform into sales down the road.

Create Valuable Content

This should be one of your core activities in winning over new prospects online. Whether you are posting on LinkedIn or are using Dubb to distribute video content on your email list, you must make that content valuable for your audience.

Importantly, “value” can be defined in different ways. For instance, if you are recording a webinar about your product or service, that value can be within (1) identifying the viewer’s problem and (2) showing how your product or service solves that problem. This is value in a functional sense.

While most people think of value this way, value can come in other forms. As just one example, value can come in the form of entertainment. You may create a new piece of LinkedIn video content that humorously talks about your sector or industry. While you aren’t offering functional value, you are still offering some type of value to your followers.

Therefore, whatever content that you are creating for your LinkedIn family, make sure that it is valuable. This means being empathetic and standing in your audience’s shoes. While this is a difficult task, you get better with both practice and understanding who your audience truly is. Spend time on this as you work to monetize your LinkedIn.

Listen to Your Own Voice

LinkedIn is pretty mimetic. To put it another way, what happens on the platform is that people copy other people.

To a certain extent, we all need to pull inspiration from what we’re seeing in the marketplace. There is that well-known thesis that there are no truly original ideas out there. Having said this, this doesn’t mean that we can be creative and unique by adding our own spin to what is being discussed or debated.

So even though you may have an idea for a LinkedIn post that doesn’t seem “professional” or “appropriate,” fight that thought. In today’s day and age, there is a dramatically shifting definition of “professional” content. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on actors and well-produced sets, you can create professional content by just being yourself.

Yes, it is often better to have a unique take or spin on a particular subject. You just don’t want to be copying what your competitors are doing. The good news is that this doesn’t have to be so difficult. Be yourself and don’t hesitate to share your opinions. Even if they are controversial or unusual in your industry, you’ll be able to make a name for yourself. And by making a name for yourself? You can substantially increase your odds of generating more sales through LinkedIn.

Personalize Your Outreach

This goes along with being yourself when creating content for your LinkedIn followers and fans. You must also recognize that members of your audience are individuals, too.

But let’s take a step back. Beyond creating content for your entire audience, you’ll definitely want to use the platform to contact individual LinkedIn members. Whether they are in your network or outside your network, you can directly contact these LinkedIn members to build relationships and grow your business.

That being said, the actual act of reaching out can be easier said than done. For starters, you need to make your outreach personal. If you are using a form or template to reach out to other LinkedIn users, you’re going to have a tough time succeeding.

Ultimately, reaching out on LinkedIn can be summarized by this phrase: “If it’s easy and fun, it gets done.”

On LinkedIn, it’s so easy to find an individual’s biography. If you think about it, the bio is right there. At a glance, you can find everything that you need to know about a particular LinkedIn user. Once you find something that you have in common with the user, use that detail to personalize your outreach.

Critically, you don’t want to go in for the kill here. You don’t want to say something like, “Hey, I can sell you something.” You are just trying to make a connection here. If you think about it, if you are in a coffee shop and meet someone, you don’t say, “Hey, can I sell you a home?” Instead, you say something as simple as, “Hey, how’s it going?”

Whether you are using direct messages, comments, or connection requests, it pays to provide trust upfront. Even if you are feeling the urgency to make a sale, leading with trust, while it may be slower, will dramatically improve your odds.

Don’t Obsess Over the Production Details

LinkedIn can be intimidating at first. This is especially true if you are using the platform to create video content (as you should).

Before you create your first video post, for instance, you may think that you need expensive equipment or the most appealing backdrops. Or it may be something like getting the perfect lighting so that you can look your best.

Granted, all of these elements are important to creating a great LinkedIn video. If you have extremely poor lighting on your LinkedIn videos, you’re going to find it very hard to accomplish your goals. But at the same time, a good number of LinkedIn creators use these technical specifications as a self-imposed roadblock. To put it another way, they inadvertently (or deliberately) create barriers, which limits the amount of content that they upload to the platform.

Your goal should be to remove these barriers. No matter what you are discussing in your video content, you need to be yourself. Like I discussed above, authenticity is the name of the game here. Instead of focusing on what camera you have or whether you need to upgrade your lighting, you should be lasering-in on making those connections with your audience.

It’s really a no brainer. Would you rather be the creator with the fanciest setup who struggles to connect with their LinkedIn audience? Or would you want to be the creator who may not have the most sophisticated setup, but builds a fanatical tribe of fans? By being the latter type of creator, you’re in a much better position to consistently monetize your LinkedIn.

Take Advantage of Dubb on LinkedIn

When trying to connect with others on Dubb, there is no better way than to leverage the power of video. Video offers so many benefits, but some of the most important benefits are that you are capitalizing on human biases towards visuals and storytelling. Even if you think you are selling a “boring” product or service, video can lead you to some intriguing business outcomes.

At Dubb, my colleagues and I love to help our clients use video to accomplish their goals. Our software gives our clients the power to send and track your video content on all types of platforms — including LinkedIn.

Dubb offers so many benefits throughout the recording and editing process. For instance, we offer a killer mobile app for both iOS and Android devices. This mobile app lets you easily shoot high-quality video — wherever you are. Once you are finished recording and editing your video, you can easily upload your creation to Dubb, which automatically generates a video action page for you. Better yet, you can take advantage of our LinkedIn extension to easily include your Dubb videos when you are posting to your own LinkedIn page or communicating with others on the platform.

In terms of analytics and tracking, Dubb users can easily track who has watched their video content, whether those viewers have clicked on any of your links, and more. All of this tracking is what separates Dubb from using the native feature video on LinkedIn. While you may be able to use that feature to upload and distribute your videos, you won’t get the granular data that you would get on Dubb.

To see all of the features that you get by becoming a Dubb user, go ahead and click here. Ultimately, I strongly believe that Dubb can be an excellent tool to help you consistently monetize your LinkedIn. If you’d like to try it out, go ahead and click here for a free seven-day trial of our premium plans.

Take the Lead in Scheduling Appointments

LinkedIn makes it extremely easy to communicate on the platform. Whether you are chatting through LinkedIn Messenger or are responding to comments on your video content, you can easily connect with anyone around the world.

However, we are talking about using LinkedIn in a business context. As the title of this post suggests, you want to consistently monetize your LinkedIn. Because of this, you want to identify the right prospects and move them down your sales funnel. LinkedIn makes it easy for you to do so.

One effective strategy is to use LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator. The Sales Navigator is an excellent tool for finding the leads that you need. You can learn more about the Sales Navigator by clicking here. While you will need a Premium plan to take advantage of it, the long-term ROI may make it an easy decision.

Along with using Sales Navigator, you need to focus on taking a particular lead from a conversation to an appointment. Again, you don’t want to go for the hard sell. A hard sell may seem satisfying at the moment, but it dramatically decreases your chances of making that sale. Instead, provide the value upfront. Understand what your prospect’s pain points are and discuss how your product or service may be able to address those pain points. From there, see if you can schedule that prospect for an appointment.

To reiterate this point, trial and error may be your friend here. You’ll want to try different approaches — both in finding prospects and leading them to appointments. That said, by being deliberate about moving conversations down your sales pipeline, you’ll find that many more of your LinkedIn connections become paying customers.

Understand that LinkedIn is a Continuous Conversation

Finally, this is one of the most important points of this entire blog post. Like I said above, the goal of using LinkedIn for business is to move from conversation to action. In other words, you want to build a relationship with that prospect and then convince that prospect to actually purchase your product or service. However, you must simultaneously recognize that every relationship with a LinkedIn user is ongoing.

This is one of the most important things that I learned from my time on LinkedIn. The most successful LinkedIn users recognize that the platform is all about continuing conversations. This is true whether a LinkedIn user outright rejected your hard sell or whether a LinkedIn user is already one of your customers. Like any relationship, it requires nurturing — even if you don’t see much promise of a financial gain.

As you may guess, one of the best ways to continue your conversations is to create and distribute awesome content. Yes, you will want to make sure that your content is valuable and tailor-made for your audience. Your job doesn’t end when you release that content, however. You’ll need to respond to your audience’s comments and questions. You can even use those comments and questions as initial ideas for future pieces of content.

If you think about it, it encompasses a loop. It’s part of the reason why we titled our podcast Connection Loop. What’s powerful about this loop is that you don’t feel like you are doing something random. It actually feels like you are being very mindful as you create content and connect with others on LinkedIn. You’re totally focused on what your audience is looking for, which makes it much more likely you will generate more sales. By generating more sales, you’ll be even more laser-focused on your audience’s wants and needs. The cycle then goes on and on.

Go Forward and Monetize Your LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a fantastic platform for so many reasons. But as you can see here, one of the most enticing reasons is that you can consistently monetize your LinkedIn. Focusing on things like creating compelling content and constantly communicating with your followers can be just the things you need to accelerate your sales. By implementing the strategies above and focusing on making real, genuine connections with your LinkedIn followers, you’ll see some enticing results.

If you’d like to learn more about how Dubb can help you accomplish your LinkedIn goals, click here. You can also click here to reach out with any comments or questions about this post.

You can also click here to register for a free 7-day trial of Dubb’s premium plans.

About Ruben: Ruben is the founder of Dubb. When he’s not creating his next video, he’s probably playing drums, at a Taco Tuesday or with the fam. Follow Ruben on IG, FB, YT, TW, Medium, and his blog.

About Dubb: Dubb is a popular video creation, hosting, sharing, and tracking platform. Follow Dubb on IG, FB, YT, TW, and the Dubb blog. To get a free trial to Dubb, request an invite.

Originally posted at Dubb on February 2021.



Ruben Dua
Ruben Dua

Written by Ruben Dua

Follow to be uplifted, founder of, currently looking for his next Taco Tuesday. Connect on IG/TW/FB/YT at @rubendua. Learn more about Dubb at

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