10 Creative Ways to Use Video Marketing to Skyrocket Profits

Ruben Dua
9 min readApr 30, 2019


Ruben and Shannon from Dubb

You’re not imagining it: video content is slowly taking over the Internet.

In fact, by the year 2021, about 82% of all online traffic will be dedicated to watching and sharing video content.

What does this mean for your brand? That now is the time to start thinking much more seriously about how you can use video marketing in your overall advertising strategy.

After all, companies that include creative marketing videos in their advertising content generate profit almost 50% faster than those that do not.

So, now that we’ve got your attention, it’s time to start thinking about how to develop some of the most effective marketing video ideas.

This post is here to help.

Read on to learn all about the many different ways in which you can use video to grow your company and make more money this year.

1. Do a Live Q and A

One of the best ways to use video marketing to connect with your audience, increase your sales, and spread awareness about your brand all at the same time is by live streaming a question-and-answer video.

First of all, this is an amazing way to show that you have serious confidence in your company as a whole. You’re proving to viewers that, even if they’re a bit skeptical about your products or services, you’re willing to answer those question in real-time, without any preparation.

It illustrates that you truly believe in, and stand behind, your company.

Scripted video ads are effective, of course.

But speaking off the cuff makes a great impression on viewers.

So, how exactly do live Q and A videos help you to make more money? Because a single question or issue might be the only thing standing in between a lead and their decision to place a big order with your company.

If you can answer that question in real time, that customer will be ready to convert. Plus, other people can see those answers, too. They might have the same questions, and also convert once they hear the answer.

Finally, live video is an excellent way to appeal to impulse buyers.

If they see that other people are online watching and shopping, or if they just happen to scroll through their social media feeds while you’re shooting a video and stop to watch, they’ll be much more likely to make a purchase.

Since the average person spends close to $5,400 on impulse purchases each year, those could translate to major profits for your brand.

2. Try an Animated Video

Looking for new ways to liven up your next marketing video?

While live action videos are certainly compelling, you should also show a bit of variety by making animated content a part of your next promotional video ideas.

Not only does using animated videos allow your company to show off its creative side, but it also gives you much greater artistic freedom.

You don’t have to worry about things like outdoor lighting, costumes, settings, filming permits, and other things that you have no way of controlling.

Animated videos are especially wonderful for younger or smaller businesses that may have a tighter advertising budget than most. If you decide, for example, to create a classic whiteboard animation video, all you really need is a dry erase marker, an eraser, and a whiteboard.

Since you can write whatever text you want to in an animated video from the start, you also don’t need to worry about the super-imposing text or other images in post-production.

So, if you have a shorter turnaround time?

You should certainly consider giving animated video content a go.

3. Interview a Customer

Another one of the most popular video marketing ideas?

Create a short clip where you interview one of your best customers.

First of all, this is an excellent way to show the world a kind of “typical” or archetypal customer. When your market sees “people like them” working with your brand, they’ll quickly realize that they could likely benefit from your products/services, too.

Remember that much of successful marketing hinges on whether or not you’re able to communicate to your customers that you “get” them. Having someone your market can relate to is an incredibly effective way to do just that.

Your customers can explain why they chose to work with you over one of your competitors. They can discuss ways in which you went above and beyond. They can even show off something they purchased from your company, or discuss a project or pain point that your brand helped them to improve or get past.

This also creates a wonderful sense of consumer trust in your brand, because viewers can see the “real people, real results,” side of things.

4. Create a Product Launch Video

You’ve been developing an awesome new product or service for several months now.

You’ve kept it a secret for as long as you can, and now, you’re ready to share it with the world. You need to use this opportunity to create serious buzz and excitement around your brand.

Don’t just debut the product or announce the service outright.

Instead, create several different videos to ratchet up the tension. In the first video, simply raise awareness about your brand and the fact that you have something new coming out.

Don’t reveal what it is, just let people know when it’s coming.

In the second phase, you can reveal the product and explain what it is — but don’t say the launch date.

That’s what the third and final video is for. Then, you can sit back and watch the profits come pouring in.

5. Develop a 2-Minute Course

You’re one of the top authorities in your industry — so why shouldn’t your video content marketing not only reflect that but also allow people to learn from your expertise?

We love the idea of filming quick, digestible content that has the main goal of informing your audience.

Teach them a skill that you have, that’s in some way, of course, related to your company.

If you sell speech-writing services, for example, create a one-minute tutorial on physical exercises you can do to calm down before speaking in front of a crowd.

6. Make a Serial Storytelling Video

Who says that, in order to use video marketing the “right” way, you have to make lots of different video campaigns?

Especially in this era of binge-watching, we love the idea of creating long-form content. But how do maximize the clicks, SEO, shares, and of course, the profits of a long-term video?

By continuing a singular storyline over the course of several serial videos.

This is an especially awesome way to tell the “origin story” of your brand as a whole. The first video can serve as an introduction and a hook. You can quickly explain who you are and what your brand does.

In the second video, you should go deeper. Talk about the personal (often emotional) reasons why you wanted to start your brand.

Maybe you woke up one morning and realized your traditional office job was making you miserable. Maybe your child has a learning disability, and you wanted to create a learning tool that could empower her. Perhaps you had trouble finding your dream apartment for the right price in your younger years, so you’ve started a company that helps recent graduates find the right starter home or apartment.

It doesn’t matter what you do or why. It’s all about how you make a connection with your audience.

The next videos could feature filmed client testimonials. The ones after that could talk about how you plan to expand your company in the future.

The final installment should be a call to action.

7. Help Shoppers out with a Tutorial

You’ve worked hard to create a product that’s impossible to resist — and one that genuinely does what it claims it can.

Creating a video tutorial can help to prove that. It can also teach your consumers the best ways to use these popular products to get the most out of them.

You can also use these videos to point out some of the best features of the things you’ve made.

Maybe you’re a vape pen company, and want to show users how to recharge their devices with ease. Perhaps you’re selling a back massager, and want to teach customers about a few of the most effective ways to use it.

Tutorials help consumers to understand just how much your product is able to accomplish. It also encourages them to convert and buy to test out these abilities for themselves.

8. Give a Virtual Office Tour

Another awesome way to use video marketing?

Give your followers and consumers a “behind-the-scenes” look at your company by hosting a virtual office tour. We especially love the idea of creating a “day in the life” vlog, where each of your top employees takes viewers through exactly what they do when they get to work.

Again, this is another great way to promote transparency and instill consumer trust in your brand.

But virtual tours also help to create a kind of emotional bond between your company and your viewers. They can get to know the people who come up with the ideas and products they love on a much deeper level.

In addition to showing off a factory floor, a desk, or even giving viewers a peek at a boardroom meeting, these vlogs should also reflect the unique personalities of your team members.

Again, it’s just one more opportunity for your target market to “see themselves” in your brand.

9. Work With an Influencer

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, chances are good that you’ve heard about the power of influencer marketing.

Influencers are social media personalities that have a high number of followers — think 10,000 and above to start. These influencers often create excellent video content themselves, and they also make lots of different kinds of it.

Why not harness their expertise — and their high follower count — to promote your brand?

After all, influencers make their money through sponsored content. So, even those with high follower counts will likely jump at the chance to work with your brand.

Just make sure you choose an influencer who is directly relevant to your company. For example, if you’re a cosmetics company, ask an influencer to film a makeup tutorial using your product.

If you’re in the hospitality industry, ask the influencer to give their followers a tour of your hotel on their YouTube channel.

You could also ask influencers for video product reviews, play a fun game with them to build your brand recognition, or even cast the influencer as the start of your next video marketing campaign.

The possibilities — and the potential revenue — are endless here.

Are You Ready to Use Video Marketing at Your Company?

We’re certain that this post has you more than ready to use video marketing in your next email campaign, on the homepage of your website, and of course, on your company’s social media profiles.

Whether you’re filming a product tutorial, hosting a live stream, or even just walking your customers through the story of your brand, there are endless marketing video ideas out there that you should take advantage of.

Need a little help making it happen?

That’s where we come in.

Want to learn even more about how video content of all kinds can help you to make this your most profitable year ever? If so, then we invite you to sign up for a free account with us at Dubb.

We can’t wait to help you start creating.

SPECIAL OFFER: To access over a dozen free eBooks on how to effectively use video for all aspects of your business, visit Dubb Resources.

About Ruben: Ruben is the founder of Dubb. When he’s not creating his next video, he’s probably playing drums, at a Taco Tuesday or with the fam. Follow Ruben on IG, FB, YT, TW, Medium and his blog.

About Dubb: Dubb is a popular video creation, hosting, sharing and tracking platform. Follow Dubb on IG, FB, YT, TW, and the Dubb blog. To get a 14-day free trial to Dubb, request an invite.

Originally published at https://dubb.com on April 30, 2019.



Ruben Dua
Ruben Dua

Written by Ruben Dua

Follow to be uplifted, founder of dubb.com, currently looking for his next Taco Tuesday. Connect on IG/TW/FB/YT at @rubendua. Learn more about Dubb at dubb.com.

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